
State Farm®的文章帮助您了解遗嘱和信托之间的区别以及您为什么需要它们.

Articles about wills and trusts

What is a will and why do you need one?


Types of wills and trusts

What are the differences between a basic will, pour-over will, tax-saving will, living trust and more? 在这篇信息丰富的文章中了解更多关于遗嘱和信托的信息.

What is the difference between a will and a trust?

Wills and trusts are an important part of estate planning. 无论你在计划过程中的哪个阶段,都要知道你的选择.

What does the executor of a will do?


Questions about Social Security survivor benefits

Who is eligible for Social Security survivor benefits? We break down what survivor benefits are, 解释如何申请遗属福利,并确定谁符合资格.

Preparing a living will & end-of-life care choices


Common estate-planning mistakes

Avoid these common mistakes when planning an estate.

Avoiding probate


Leaving money to a charity in your will


Giving money to your grandchildren


Estate planning articles

Does everyone need estate planning?

遗产计划不仅仅是为资产提供方向. 遗产规划可以帮助别人实现你的愿望,照顾你爱的人.

What is digital estate planning?

As technology continues to evolve, 当你无法再管理或去世时,了解你的在线账户会发生什么是至关重要的.

Estate planning for the terminally ill

遗产规划是每个人财务准备的重要步骤, 但临终病人的遗产规划更为重要. Learn how.

When should I update my estate plan?

结婚、死亡和离婚都是你应该重新审视你的遗产计划的时候. Here are some others.



Review your estate planning checklist



领先一步,学习如何通过简单的支出来改善财务状况, saving and budgeting tips.

Take time to create a financial emergency plan

It's hard to plan for the worst when times are good, but if a financial emergency strikes, you'll be happy you did.

How long to keep documents before shredding

Do you know how long to keep tax records, bank statements, utility bills and other important documents? Here are some suggestions to help.

How to talk to your parents about money

与年迈的父母谈论财务状况可能会很复杂. 这里有一些有用的建议,可以帮助你打破僵局,进行富有成效的对话.

Estate planning for individuals with special needs


From life insurance to a special needs trust, 以下是你需要知道的,以保证你所爱的人的经济安全.

Special needs guardianships: How to ask


Special needs financial planning


Care & jobs for a special needs child or adult


What is a special needs trust?


Building a special needs estate plan

如果你不在身边,为照顾你所爱的人做计划是很重要的. 当你要照顾一个有特殊需要的人时,这是很重要的.

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