

帮助 prevent Identity theft by following cyber security best practices. If you are the victim, discover how to start restoring your identity.

联邦贸易委员会 receives tens of millions of consumer reports about identify theft, 欺诈等消费者保护问题一年一次. 的数量 身份盗窃 and consumer records exposed that contained personally identifiable information (PII) has been increasing. Learn some ways to prevent 身份盗窃 and to keep your information secure.


  • 保持软件更新. Technology companies are constantly monitoring their software for weak spots or security breaches and often release updates to help fix those issues. 为自动更新设置您的设备.
  • 安装杀毒软件和防火墙. Both are a great baseline in the battle against cybercrime; antivirus software detects malicious infections, 而防火墙则阻止外部访问. 尽管存在各种免费选择, 你可能想要购买提供更多更新的付费版本.
  • 检查网址. 任何时候你提供财务信息, 比如信用卡号, double-check the web address: It should begin with "http" and display a padlock sign, 这意味着您正在安全地传输信息. And remember, if you're using a public network, your information is more vulnerable.
  • 不要点击可疑的链接. 网络窃贼擅长 创建模仿可信供应商和网站的电子邮件. 如果电子邮件要求核实个人信息, 要钱或承诺退款, visit the website directly or call its customer service line to check its legitimacy. 如果您将鼠标悬停在电子邮件中的超链接上, a phishing scam will often reveal an unusual URL or one with a slight misspelling.
  • 依赖于双因素身份验证. Another powerful tool that adds an extra layer of security to logins and helps discourage cybercrime is two-factor authentication. It requires a username and password for the first factor and another piece of personal information, 比如安全问题或发送到手机的一次性代码, 第二个因素是.
  • 不要在电子邮件中发送个人身份信息. 不要用电子邮件发送你的信用卡信息, 社会安全号码, driver's license number or other financial or identifying information — especially if your email is unencrypted. 电子邮件是黑客窃取敏感信息的便捷途径.
  • 查看你的账单和信用卡账单. This will help identify any potential misuse of your identity in the month it happens so you can take immediate steps. 同时,采取 免费信用报告的优势 每年都可以. 之后,记得 保存任何文档 你希望保存在一个安全的地方或粉碎它们.
  • 保管好你的社保卡,收好你的邮件. Place your Social 安全 card and other valuable documents like birth certificates in a fireproof safe or other secure place in your home. Make sure to retrieve and secure your mail every day so that you can review documents such as credit card offers, 带有识别信息的报表或其他表格. 分解 当你不再需要这些文件时. Remember to either have a trusted friend or neighbor collect your mail and put your mail on hold if away on a business trip or a longer 假期.
  • 小心肩部冲浪. Shoulder surfing happens when someone grabs valuable information by watching over your shoulder. This includes things such as ATM PIN numbers, credit card number, passwords and more.
  • 保护你的 设备. 确保你的智能手机、平板电脑或电脑有密码锁. Also avoid leaving them unattended in public places, and take precautions when using a 公共无线网络.
  • 保护你的信用卡. Do not leave your credit card out w在这里 others can see it and be on the lookout for 信用卡诈骗犯.
  • 聪明地使用社交媒体. 许多应用程序正在运行 社交媒体 进行有趣的调查, 关于最喜欢的食物的游戏和测验, 学校, 年龄或其他个人信息, 举几个例子. Be aware of those, as they are sometimes engineered to gather personal information about you.


根据 联邦贸易委员会身份盗窃.政府 site, below are some possible steps to take if you are worried that your identity was stolen.

  • 联系你认为发生身份欺诈的公司. Explain your issues and concerns and ask that they close or freeze your accounts. 然后更改您帐户上的所有登录名,密码和pin.
  • 联系信用机构并发布欺诈警报. 的se alerts can be placed by any of the three credit bureaus and will be in place for one year. 当你向其中一个局发出警报时, 他们将向其他局发出同样的请求. 的 fraud alerts will make it difficult for anyone to open new accounts in your name.
  • 向联邦贸易委员会报告身份盗窃或欺诈行为. 使用在线表格,你可以 报告身份盗窃或欺诈 与联邦贸易委员会. Based on the information you enter, they will create an Identity 的ft Report and recovery plan.
  • 向当地警察局报案. 存档后,要求获得一份警方报告的副本. 你可能需要这些来恢复你的身份.
  • 开始修复伤害. 你的联邦贸易委员会身份盗窃报告, contact each of the businesses w在这里 someone opened an account in your name and request it be closed. 另外,要求他们:
    • 从您的帐户中删除虚假费用
    • 从你的信用报告中删除所有账户
  • 考虑添加延长的欺诈警报或信用冻结. 这将有助于防止您的被盗信息被进一步使用.


Prevention is the key to protecting your identity from being stolen and used by criminals. 为了增加保护, insurance companies are now offering insurance to assist with identity restoration. 例如,状态 Farm®提供 身份恢复pp王者电子官网 使恢复过程更容易,更快,更便宜. 今天就联系你的州立农场代理 了解更多.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.








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