
Simple tips to help prevent carpal tunnel and other repetitive strain injuries at the office

Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs) like carpal tunnel can be painful and cause severe problems. 了解一些改变如何帮助预防它们.


Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is an umbrella term for localized pain and swelling, 通常在关节附近, 与正在进行的, 重复的肢体动作. 无论是在工作场所还是在日常生活中, excessive stress on joints and tendons can at first cause pain and irritation, 但会导致更严重的问题.

你以前可能听说过rsi. Some common examples include carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow, but t在这里 are many different varieties and each RSI is typically associated with a specific action. Think of it this way: W在这里 t在这里's a joint, t在这里's a possible RSI. “短信拇指," an inflammation of the thumb linked to excessive typing on mobile devices, is a high-tech example of the same kind of injury along with "Text Neck" and "Cell Phone Elbow."

在办公室, the simple ergonomics of how you go about your work can play a major role in whether or not you develop an RSI from typing, 点击或说话. Preventing one can be as straightforward as changing your posture in your chair. Long days seated in front of a keyboard with a hand on a mouse can easily lead to an injury and it's important to do what you can to lower the risks. 这也有一个附带的好处 减少工作压力 也.


A few small adjustments to the way you sit and work can make all the difference.

  • Limit twisting in your chair and sitting in awkward or unnatural body positions. Place whatever you use and reach for regularly — whether it's your computer, 电话, 订书机或咖啡杯-在附近,很容易拿到.
  • Adjust the height and armrests of your chair and the position of your keyboard so you're in a "neutral alignment". This refers to a position in which your shoulders are relaxed and your arms fall naturally to your armrest when you're typing or using your mouse. 你的肘部应该成90度角.
  • 打字时手腕呈向下的角度. 旧的键盘可以在后面抬高, 形成一个向下倾斜的三角形,迫使你的手腕向上. 随着时间的推移,以这个角度打字可能会促进RSI.
  • 不要在手腕向左或向右扭的时候打字. 而不是, 直接接近键盘, with your pinkies able to comfortably cover the keys at the outer edges.
  • Make sure your monitor is positioned directly in front of your head and at a comfortable height — preferably at or just slightly below eye level, 而且离你只有一臂的距离.
  • Adjust the height of your chair so your feet are firmly resting on the floor and your weight is evenly distributed over the full seat surface. If you have a chair or a desk that makes this difficult, find a flat or rectangular foot rest.
  • Don't keep your wallet or any other bulky items in your back pocket when you work at your desk. Creating a slight tilt in your hips will place undue stress on your lower back, possibly leading to problems such as piriformis syndrome and nerve issues like sciatica.
  • 在办公桌前工作时不要跷二郎腿. 如果可能的话, utilize a sit stand desk and strive to spend 20 minutes or more standing while working on your computer.
  • Avoid neck and shoulder strain by using a headset if your job requires a lot of 电话 use.


Simple changes to your everyday ergonomics will go a long way in preventing RSIs in the workplace, 但你可以做更多的事情来帮助对抗rsi.

  • 短暂休息.
  • 伸展你的手和手腕.
  • 可以的时候站起来走走.
  • 工作之余多做运动.
  • 经常休息一下眼部肌肉.

如果你认为你可能有RSI肿胀, 手指有刺痛感或无法解释的疼痛, 手, 手腕, 肘部或背部——马上和医生预约.

rsi是随着时间发展的, 如果不及时治疗,病情会变得更加严重, can potentially require long-term physical therapy and rehabilitation, 花费你更多 健康pp王者电子官网. 通常情况下,最好的办法是全面预防.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide medical diagnosis or advice.





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