Person holding a smartphone with a finger display to help with mobile phone security.


保护智能手机的简单技巧, 比如锁定它,设置双因素身份验证, 可以帮助防止身份盗窃吗.

随着智能手机的使用不断增加, 骗子们正在寻找获取个人信息的方法. 越来越多的联网汽车和 连接的家庭 也容易受到网络窃贼的攻击吗. 你需要的不仅仅是一个密码来保护你的身份和数据安全. 根据身份盗窃.组织, 1.400万起消费者身份盗窃案件 在2021年向联邦贸易委员会报告了什么. The amount of money lost by consumers has doubled since 2019, mostly to imposter scams and theft.


我们的智能手机已经成为我们身份的延伸, 让黑客更容易获取我们的个人信息. 是否在经营企业, 管理个人财务, 或者在网上购物, 我们冒的风险可能会导致我们的身份被盗. 近三分之一的人是……的受害者 手机诈骗 在他们生命中的某个时刻. In 2022, these incidents have resulted in more than $39 billion in financial losses.



骗子会冒充合法企业或可信任的个人. They may use a combination of emotional manipulation or scare tactics to gain the victim’s trust and deceive them into carrying out an action. Robocalls (scam calls that use recordings instead of humans) are also used as a tactic in vishing.

短信钓鱼(SMS 网络钓鱼)

A text message will be sent that includes a link (using a shortened URL) to prize winnings, 调查, 彩票或抽奖. T在这里 may also be an urgent notification about your credit card, bank account or tax refund. 文本可能会要求你访问一个网站, 下载应用程序, enter login credentials or fill out a form that is being controlled by attackers. 如果期望的操作完成, 攻击者可以窃取您的凭证, 访问您的银行账户和其他敏感信息, 或者用恶意软件感染你的设备来进行额外的攻击.


骗子以某种方式进入受害者手机中的SIM卡, 这样他们就可以控制邮件了, 短信和其他敏感信息. SIM交换 is transferring a mobile SIM card to the ownership of a hacker to compromise the victim’s digital identity or banking credentials.


  • 想想智能手机之外的东西 -任何能上网的东西, 包括车辆, 语音数字助理或可穿戴健身追踪器, 被网络窃贼盯上了吗. 在某些情况下,他们可以使用这些数据来检测你是否在家. If you connect in a public place, make sure the websites you use begin with HTTPS.
  • 设置密码 - Smartphones allow you to set a digital "lock" to help prevent random people from using your phone. 解锁手机的密码可能是PIN码, 密码, 模式或生物识别登录(如指尖或面部扫描).
  • 自动锁定手机 - Set your phone to lock after 15 seconds of not being used to help prevent people from picking it up and using it when you're not looking.
  • 创建复杂的密码 -你的第一道防线是一个强大而长的密码, 一种是字母组合, 数字和符号.
  • 对应用程序使用两步身份验证 - Turn on two-step authentication for apps like Gmail, 脸谱网 and OneDrive. Two-step authentication requires the 密码 and a separate code sent to the owner to gain entry.
  • 寻找备份/擦除服务 - These services are easy to get through the phone's manufacturer or your wireless provider. A backup program sends data on your phone to a secure server w在这里 you can retrieve it. A wiping program erases information from your phone if it's lost or stolen.
  • 安装安全/防病毒软件 -像对待家用电脑一样对待智能手机. 安装包含防病毒软件的安全软件, 当有更新的时候,要勤于下载.
  • 小心“公共”和“免费”Wi-Fi - It's tempting to connect your smartphone to free wireless data whenever it's available, 但这并不总是安全的. Unsecured networks — be it at coffee shops or airports — make it simple for 黑客也可以连接到你的设备. If you must use an unsecured wireless network, try a VPN tool, such as TunnelBear, to browse the web.
  • 只从可信的、有信誉的来源下载应用程序 - 营销集团 have found that people spend over three hours a day on their phones, so it's tempting to 下载应用程序. 保护您的数据和数字足迹 by avoiding custom apps; instead, stick to downloads from verified sources. Apple's App Store and Android's Google Play use a vetting process before allowing apps to be sold on their mobile platforms. 记住,免费并非免费. Your personal data is a valuable currency that often "pays" for the free apps.
  • 对诈骗保持警惕 - The more time users spend on their mobile devices, the more those devices are targets for 骗子 使用短信诈骗. Smishing是一种利用短信或短信进行的骗局 网络钓鱼,用户 获取看起来真实的短信 似乎是来自他们的银行或其他服务机构. 这两种情况, block the numbers or the emails and never click on a link in a text or email or reply back to the sender.
  • 不要忽视更新 -安装软件更新有时看起来很麻烦, but skipping available updates leaves devices more vulnerable to cyber-attack. 黑客们重新把精力集中在智能技术上, 更重要的是安装最新版本,避免漏洞. Even better, set your device to auto update your system software and applications.
  • 明智地共享数据 - Often, apps ask users to input data that can be especially dangerous during an 网络安全漏洞. Avoid sharing birthdates, addresses and other personal information that hackers could use later.
  • 做最坏的打算 - If 你的智能手机丢了或者被偷了,你的个人资料可能有风险. Turn on Apple's Find My iPhone or Android's Find My Device so you may track the phone's w在这里abouts and delete data as soon as possible. 如果你的手机不见了, 立即打电话给你的运营商报告手机丢失或被盗, 清除你的数据. 如果你认为你是 身份盗用受害者,可以考虑采取以下三个步骤:

还记得, back up your phone's information regularly through a computer or the cloud but use your home network or your mobile connection to make sure your data is not stolen during the transfer. 这将允许您在需要时恢复您的信息. 身份盗窃资源中心提供 更多关于智能手机安全的提示.

联系 状态 Farm®pp王者电子官网代理 要了解更多关于 身份恢复pp王者电子官网. This insurance may help cover costs in the event you become a 身份盗用受害者.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



云计算具有独特的网络安全风险. 阅读更多关于云的内容, 云计算提供商, 安全的云和强密码.


Take steps to strengthen and secure your data if you'll be adding digital ID cards or sensitive edocuments to your smartphone.

网上银行安全吗?? 是的,但也有一些最佳做法

Paying attention to a few details can go a long way toward boosting your online banking security.


骗子们一年到头都很忙,尤其是在节假日. 学会保护自己的方法.