Mom helping young daughter learn to ride her bike.

Bike safety for kids

Once kids learn to ride a bike, 他们可以从学习自行车安全中受益,比如戴头盔, 该走哪条路线,如何根据交通流量“正确骑行”.

As the weather warms up and summer nears, 许多孩子都盼望着骑自行车出门. 为了帮助你的年轻骑车人在这个夏天享受更安全的骑行,考虑一下这些建议.


头盔是减少骑自行车者头部受伤最重要的安全装置. So make it a rule: no helmet, no bike. Be sure the helmet is fitted correctly so that it can help provide optimum protection. It should sit snug and level on your child’s head.

让孩子们自己挑选头盔,这样他们可能更倾向于戴上头盔. 你甚至可以让他们在头盔上贴反光贴纸,这可以帮助吸引司机的注意力. 帮助保持头盔的良好形状,并在需要时保护他们的头部, teach kids to not throw their helmets around. 另外,如果他们摔倒撞到了头,给他们买个新头盔. 最后,在骑车时戴上自己的头盔,以身作则.

Bike size

Make sure the bike is sized correctly to the child. Don't put children on bikes they will grow into. 当他们跨坐在自行车座位上时,他们的脚应该能够接触到地面.

Learning to ride

只要孩子们能抬起头并戴上头盔,他们就可以骑自行车(坐在儿童座椅或拖车里). Once they have basic motor skills, often between the ages of 3 and 6, they may try bikes of their own. 一开始使用辅助轮,稍微向上移动,这样孩子就能更自信地保持平衡. 或者考虑一下平衡自行车,它是一种没有踏板的自行车,可以让孩子先学习平衡和驾驶. 你的孩子有没有练习在直线上骑车——比如在一个空停车场沿着直线——或者绕圈来帮助提高平衡能力. Teach bikers how to use the brakes, too.

Biking rules of the road

Until they ride bikes on their own, children have only been passengers, so instruct them about how to yield, pass and stop safely. 提醒骑自行车的人,他们需要遵守和其他车辆一样的交通法规,比如在停车标志前停车. 在道路上骑自行车的人需要与交通方向一致,并尽可能向右行驶. 你可以通过告诉孩子“正确骑车”来帮助他们记住这一点。. Point out potential hazard areas, 比如车道和人行横道,教他们转弯和停车的手势.

Rides and routes

一起规划骑行路线,让孩子带头骑行. Try rides to the school, a friend's house, a nearby park or pool随着孩子的信心和耐力的增强,增加或改变游乐设施. 10岁及以下儿童最适合在人行道或铺砌的小路上骑行. Once they are older and more mature, 他们可能有更好的装备和其他车辆一起在自行车道上骑行.

Safety extras for kids on bikes

  • 穿浅色或反光的衣服,以提高能见度, particularly at dusk and into the evening hours.
  • Check the inflation of tires before a trip.
  • See that bikes have reflectors. 如果大一点的孩子在天黑时骑自行车,给自行车装上白色的前灯和红色的尾灯.
  • Turn off the tunes and take off the headphones. 骑手应该把全部注意力放在路上.
  • Keep bikes safe too. 在无人看管的时候把它们锁起来,即使你只离开几分钟.

我们希望这些建议能帮助你给你的孩子一个自行车安全的坚实基础,他们可以继承到 e-bikes and cars when they are teenagers and old enough to drive. And don’t let the kids have all the fun, consider biking to work to get exercise and help save gas.

To learn more, review the "A Right to the Road: Understanding & Addressing Bicyclist Safety的报告,其中包括各国的30项拯救生命行动步骤 grant from State Farm®.

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