A woman working on the computer to analyze her debts.

How to get out of debt


If you have debt, you're not alone. 专家说,中产阶级的生活方式更昂贵 health insurance 费用和 education costs outpacing wage growth. 这导致越来越多的家庭依靠信用卡和其他方式来维持和支付紧急情况和日常开支. 这里有一些建议,可能有助于管理信用卡和债务在你的家庭.

List out your debt

当你列出你的债务时,你更容易看到你有什么样的债务和你在支付什么. 有些人喜欢把他们的债务从最高利率到最低利率列出来. 其他人喜欢从最高余额到最低余额列出他们的债务. T在这里's no right way, just do whatever feels right for you.

Create a budget

You'll find that creating a budget 记录你的花费和收入是很好的第一步. A budgeting worksheet 会帮你安排你的固定、可变和杂项开支吗. 这将帮助你了解每个月底你还剩下多少可支配收入. 确保你的每一笔债务和付款都有一个单独的项目.

Even if you don't have much leeway in your budget, 试着写一个单独的项目来减少你的债务. Knowing this will help in your debt repayment plan. Here are few things to prepare and examine.

  • 账单. Gather your bills (utilities, insurance, etc.) and pay stubs.
  • 收据. 看看收据,看看你通常在杂货等东西上花了多少钱, entertainment, transportation, clothing and everyday expenses.
  • Income and paychecks. 把你所有的薪水和其他收入加起来,然后减去你的开支.

Create a debt management plan and strategy

Some people choose to have a financial professional 帮助他们. 有几种策略可以帮助你制定债务偿还计划. Here are a few things to consider.

  • Avoid adding new debt. 如果可能的话,不要使用信用卡或额外贷款.
  • Prioritize debts. 选择余额最小或利率最高的贷款或信用卡, and focus extra resources on paying off that first. 然后转向下一个最小的或下一个最高利率的贷款或信用卡. A credit card payoff calculator 是有益的.
  • Consolidate debt if you can. 余额转移和成本有效的债务合并是降低利率和简化支付策略的好方法. If you have a good credit score, 您可能有资格获得零或低百分比的余额转账. Be sure to consider interest rates, costs and fees. 使用一个 consolidation loan calculator 是有益的 as well.
  • Pay a set amount or more than the minimum amount due. 尽量支付超过最低限度,甚至是最低限度的两倍,因为偿还余额和本金更快.
  • 汽车mate your payments. Setting up an automatic payment plan 从你的支票或储蓄账户是一个简单而有效的方法来偿还债务.
  • Put extra income or resources to work. Apply bonuses, tax refunds and any other money you make, such as a second job, to work on your credit cards and loans.
  • Set up an emergency fund. Prioritize setting up a financial emergency plan and fund it before executing your debt repayment plan. Calculating and funding 你的应急基金是至关重要的,可以在意外和昂贵的事件发生时提供缓冲. In addition, it may also give you a sense of security.
  • Take small steps. It's easy to get overwhelmed when you have debt of any type. 一步一步来解决它们,要知道每一点小小的贡献都很重要. 试着每个月都取得进步,即使是一点点.
  • Watch your statements and monitor your credit report. 密切关注你的银行对账单,信用卡对账单和 credit report is a way to help you see if your hard work is paying off. Credit monitoring allows you to keep tabs on account activity. 你也会立即被告知任何欺诈行为.

既然你已经学习了一些如何管理债务的技巧,请查看“Four kinds of savings“一些非常简单的建议,让你在银行存一些现金,以应对那些似乎总是突然出现的东西.

Calculators and worksheets

Give these tools a try to help reduce your debt.

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