信息图解释COVID - 19对医疗pp王者电子官网的影响.

Health insurance during and following COVID-19

How health insurance changes due to COVID-19 may affect you.

2019冠状病毒病大流行使我们许多人更仔细地审视我们的生活 health insurance 并试图弄清楚我们目前的覆盖范围是否充分满足了这些需求. If you find yourself evaluating your health plan, 知道由于COVID-19,医疗pp王者电子官网已经发生了变化.

Coverage for COVID-19 testing and vaccines

If you need care as the result of contracting COVID-19, 特殊规则可能会影响您所负责的pp王者电子官网范围. In March of 2020, Congress passed the CARES Act, 这就取消了一些服务的费用分摊,如检测和疫苗. Under the law在美国,pp王者电子官网公司通常必须支付检测费用——这意味着你什么也不用付. Vaccines, too, must be provided free of charge. And if you don't have insurance, 如果你的医疗服务提供者向政府收费,你就可以免费接受COVID-19治疗.

Have you lost health insurance coverage because of a job loss?

COBRA法律允许你继续你的前雇主的计划 for up to 18 months (provided you cover the full premium). You may also meet requirements for Medicaid, and if you have children, 他们有资格获得儿童健康pp王者电子官网计划(CHIP).

此外,可负担得起的健康pp王者电子官网覆盖范围通过 health insurance marketplace, and financial assistance to subsidize monthly premiums may be available to those who qualify.

Assess your health insurance coverage

To make sure your health care needs are met, 仔细看看如果你得了COVID-19,你的计划能提供多少pp王者电子官网. If you need to make changes, 你可以在11月的开放注册期间开始,那时你有资格改变你的医疗保健.

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